Are you considering cafe new year resolutions such as renewing your café furniture or completing changing your interior decor? We give you some tips to help you on your way.
3 Cafe New Year Resolutions
You may already have made some personal new year resolutions but what about on the business front? Do you have café new year resolutions in place? It could be that you’re considering renewing certain elements of your café furniture or that your entire collection of café chairs and tables are in need of rejuvenation. Alternatively, you may be looking at a complete café makeover. Whatever your requirements, we’ve put together a few tips to help you on your way.
Cafe New Year Resolutions – #1 always use commercial furniture
This is something we’re always banging on about, but we can’t stress enough the importance of buying commercial grade furniture for your café and not its domestic counterpart. The very nature of café furniture means it will be used over and over again, unlike your furniture at home. Commercial grade furniture is put through rigorous testing to ensure that it’s fit for purpose and while initially it may cost more, over time it will save you money. It should last for many years with very little maintenance necessary.
Commercial furniture should be both attractive and comfortable – so be sure to pick out the right type for your customer base.
Cafe New Year resolutions – #2 Update existing commercial furniture
Are some of the pieces in your venue looking a little worse for wear? One thing might be a table top that has been badly marked or stained. Here at Café Furniture Brisbane we stock a wide range of Isotop table tops in a variety of patterns and sizes – all of which fit easily to most table bases.
Alternatively, perhaps your tables are wobbly. There’s nothing more annoying for customers than tables which sway, and you don’t want your staff spending valuable time trying to level a table with folded pieces of card beneath the legs. This being, the case, why not solve one of your cafe new year resolutions by replacing the offending table base with one of our FLAT table bases. These automatically level tables standing on uneven surfaces using a system of hydraulics. We also provide FLAT technology table feet equalisers which fit easily to most table bases – problem solved!
Cafe New Year resolutions – #3 Purchase some additional pieces
If you feel you could do with a little more furniture, then why not take a look at our extensive range of café tables, chairs, and stools. We have plenty to choose from in a variety of styles, colours and materials.
If you’re faced with any of the scenarios above, then we’re here to help. We stock a wide variety of affordable top quality commercial-grade furniture as well as cafe equipment and are always happy to assist with your choice or quote for a new installation. Contact the friendly team at Cafe Chairs Brisbane today on (07) 3184 8477 or visit our online store and fulfil your cafe new year resolutions.